Indian Girl Name- Girl Name character start with N is fall under Vrushik rashi (Scorpio ). Modern Indian girls name is trend now a days. In this blog you will not only find Indian girl name but also you will find meaning of Indian Girl Name with N
Number Name Meaning
1 Namrata Politeness
2 Namita Humble
3 Nayana Beautiful Eye
4 Nalini Beautiful
5 Nandini Cow
6 Nisha Night
7 Nishita Night
8 Niyati Fortune
9 Nidhi Treasure
10 Nitya Goddess Parvati
11 Nimisha Twinkling of an eye
12 Nimi Twinkling
13 Niti Rules
14 Nilam Diamond
15 Nila color pf Sky
16 Neha Love
17 Nehal Beautiful
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Switch statement is alternative and more cleaner way to write code if we have more than two options. we can use else if, this is better way...

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