Indian Girl Name- Name is the recognition of person . In this post you will find Indian Girl name which is in trend. Some of Indian Girl name in Sanskrit yet it is modern. Indian Girl Name start with K fall under Mithun(Gemini) rasi In this post you will not only find Indian Girl name but also you will find meaning of name.
Number Name Meaning
1 kaksha White Flower
2 Kashish Attraction
3 Kanika Girl
4 Kavita Poem
5 Kamkshi One Goddess
6 Kuntal Hair
7 Kripa Mercy
8 Kriti A Work of Art
9 Krutika Artificial
10 Krushangi who has delicate body
11 ketki Flower
12 Kesar Pollen
13 Koshika Woman with beautiful hair
14 Komal Delicate
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