Tuesday, January 25, 2022

How to print numbers in ascending order by using for loop and while loop| JavaScript

 If you are learning JavaScript, these simple program like how to How to print numbers in ascending order by using for loop and while loop? is very helpful . You can understand how actually loops works by these program.

Lets Start how to make print 1 to100 by using two way for loop and while and loop

Let's start with For loop

Step 1 Create Function

function dec() {


Step 2 inside function use for loop 

Step 3 call function dec()

 for(let k=1k<=50k++){
                console.log(`Even number is ${k}`)

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Now lets understand logic. 

First we write for and then inside () we write our logic.

first we declare our variable as K and since we want to print number from 1 it is our starting point.

Now we want to specify our condition since when loop will work , in this case our k is not reach to 50.  and k++  means every time will add one. In other word k = K+1 but k++ is short form. 

So in this case k start with 1 and check with the condition that K is less than or equal to 50? in this case yes so next step will console our statement and then it will add 1. So now K becomes 2 , and loop going on until it reach to 51 and it breaks. 

        function dec(){
            for(let k=1k<=50k++){
                console.log(`Even number is ${k}`)

Now we understand with While loop 

 Syntax of while loop is little different

Step 1 first we declare variable 

let i = 1

Step 2 now  specify condition 

while (1<=50) 

then {


and inside console.log (i) and main important thing do not forget i++other wise loop will not end .

      function dec(){
            let k = 1;


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